
Hi everyone!
No, the title don't reference to Ed Sheeran´s song- haha-. This post is related with photography...So, today I'm going to talk about the photo that like me!
For me, it is very difficult choose a the favourite photo because I love looking and taking photos. I mean that, I has many favourite photos! However, for now I will choose this...

This photograph is mine! I took it two years ago in Melipilla where my aunts are living. 
The photo show a bird on a tree and I remember that day was cloudy. Apparently, it was winter.  
Why do I like it? Because, the bird symbolize freedom for me. The filter white and black allow me think: If I would be bird, What do I would?...Fly. Sure. 

So, thats it! I would like know if you like my photograph, I will read your opinion. Besides, tell me about your photo!

Bye.🌺 🌎


  1. I really love birds!!! Jjjaja your photo is so cool :D

  2. I think you did a very good take in that photo. Thumbs up!


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