About me

Hi, everyone! I'm Lidia González and today I'm going to talk about me.So.. I'm from Santiago of Chile, I'm nineteen years old and I study Forestry in Universidad de Chile.I'm Libra, my birthday is in October 16th. I'm a calm and quiet person. I like to have few friends, just real friends (they call me 'Lily'), I enjoy spend time with them. The things that more make more happy are taking photos, walking around the city, make trekking or hiking. Also, I like reading and listening to music, I enjoy search different tipe of music.In the University I'm volunteer in the laboratory and I'm so excited for make a good work.So.. thats it, I'm not good at writing:(...What about you? Tell me. 

🌺 🌎 


  1. Liiily i like to make trekking too, we should go and make some trekking on the San Cristobal hill with the others ! yayyyy <3


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